Search Results
(69 search results for Award for Excellence in Archaeological)

88th Annual Meeting (Portland, OR - 2023)

) Book Awards Lifetime Achievement Award Award for Excellence in A rchaeological A n a lysis Award for Excellence in Cultural Resource Management Award for Excellence in Curation and Collections Management Award for Excellence in Collections-based Research and Education Excellence in Public, An Archaeological Perspective on the History of Technology A. Mark Pollard, Chris Gosden Elements in Archaeological Perspectives on Materials and Technologies Ancient Gordion Lisa Kealhofer, Peter

149-74.6 ex analy

to the breakfast. Report of the Award for Excellence in Archaeological Analysis From Chair Margaret Beck, to the word limit. The chair collected nomination materials for the award and the committee voted by e, as models for the ones you create. none 5.For Award and Scholarship Committee Chairs: Number, that Award and Scholarship Chairs report annually on the total number of applicants/nominees received for each award/scholarship, the number of applicants/nominees broken down by gender identity

149-74.6 ex analy

to the breakfast. Report of the Award for Excellence in Archaeological Analysis From Chair Margaret Beck, to the word limit. The chair collected nomination materials for the award and the committee voted by e, for the ones you create. none 5.For Award and Scholarship Committee Chairs: Number, that Award and Scholarship Chairs report annually on the total number of applicants/nominees received for each award/scholarship, the number of applicants/nominees broken down by gender identity

SAA Bulletin 18-3_May

Research 10 World Archaeological Congress 12 13 SAA Annual Business Meeting 19 2000 Award Recipients, us t o where we are t o d a y - i l a d e l p h i a 2 0 0 0 H e l p choose all t h e SAA Award W i n n e r s b y participating i~ t h e 2001 Award N o m i n a t i o n Process! t r £ t l, selection is to be The Archaeological Record. I can also notch a more personal victory, publication thatwill replace SAA Bulletin, titled, The Archaeological Record. This publication


one meter of modern alluvial sands, Moundville Archaeological Park, Alabama. Photo courtesy of the University of Alabama's Office of Archaeological Research. 2 LETTER FROM THE CHAIR: Dear GIG, approved undergraduate student award (which needs naming approval from our membership), and a change, geoarchaeology award winners. I would like to thank Katie Adelsberger (Knox College) for chairing, Fryxell Award for Interdisciplinary Research. If you have not yet signed up to receive the GIG e

SAA Record Sept 2018 WEB 9.13.18

 SAA archaeological record the S O C I E T Y F O R A M E R I C A N A R C H A E O L O G Y September 2018 • Volume 18 • Number 4 CALL FOR AWARD NOMINATIONS Sea Change? New Directions, for Bones      SAA archaeological record, in Washington State Finding Moby: Identifying Whales in the Archaeological Record Ancient Pinnipeds: What, Antiquity Call for Award Nominations News & Notes Calendar News from the Register of Professional

SEAS Online Application Instructions 2023 AY

 Student Excellence in Archaeology Scholarship Online Application (2023 AY) INSTRUCTIONS Online applications can be started and saved before submitting. The deadline for SEAS is January 31, correspond with the goals of the Student Excellence in Archaeology Scholarship? (One page, single, of the project) of your proposed study program (the field school, archaeological project or activity, costs directly to the institution; the balance of the award will be sent to the awardee

Ofer Bar-Yosef Scholarship Guidelines 2024

to honor and celebrate the life and remarkable archaeological career of Professor Ofer Bar-Yosef, to China. The Ofer Bar-Yosef Scholarship acknowledges and supports excellence among advanced, research in Eurasia, Africa, or Australia on archaeological sites/materials dating to the Pleistocene, : The Scholarship is a one-time only award of $5,000 that can be used to cover field and/or laboratory, in the subject line. Post-Award Acknowledgment::  The Ofer Bar-Yosef Scholarship must

Ofer Bar-Yosef Scholarship

created the Ofer Bar-Yosef Scholarship to honor and celebrate the life and remarkable archaeological, excellence among advanced graduate students pursuing a doctoral degree on some facet of prehistoric, on archaeological sites/materials dating to the Pleistocene or early Holocene. ● At the time of applying, . What the Scholarship Can Be Used to Cover: The Scholarship is a one-time only award of $5,000, -Award Acknowledgment: ● The Ofer Bar-Yosef Scholarship must be acknowledged in the completed

2024 SAA Native American Scholarships Application fillable.doc

) the NSF Scholarships for Archaeological Training, and (4) the Bertha Parker Cody Award for Native, ): ☐ SAA Arthur C. Parker Scholarship To support archaeological training or a research program, available. Complete sections A, B, and D ☐ NSF Scholarship for Archaeological Training To support archaeological training or a research program for Native American students or employees of tribal, . ☐ Bertha Parker Cody Award for Native American Women To support women, including gender non


by the Society for American Archaeology to receive the 2003 SAA Excellence in Public Education Award, with the public." Established in 1997, this award is called the SAA Award for Excellence in Public Education, materials and other activities. The Excellence in Public Education award is conferred on a rotating, . To this end, this award honors those whose actions promote the central archaeological principle, . A call for nominations for the SAA Award for Excellence in Public Education will be made in the fall

2023 SEAS Application

 Application for the Student Excellence in Archaeology Scholarship (SEAS formerly HUGS, Excellence in Archaeology Scholarship? (One page, single-spaced, 12 pt. font.) 2. Research Interests, (including dates of the project) of your proposed study program (the field school, archaeological, of the award will be sent to the awardee as a stipend. Applicants are critically evaluated to understand, ) _______________________________________________________________________________ Society for American Archaeology Student Excellence

SAA Bulletin 10-4

98195 Crabtree Award DanR Morse Arkansas Archaeological Survey Drawer820 State University, AR 72467, Preservation Award by the Advisory Council on Historic Preser­ vation. The award honors excellence, with the North American archaeological com­ munity. I look upon my forthcoming editorship, . Grants for Archaeological Field Work in Latin America The H. John Heinz III Charitable Trust The H. John Heinz III Charitable Trust an­ nounces its grant program for archaeological fieldwork in Latin


for Nominations for Award for Excellence in Public Education The Society for American Archaeology confers the Excellence in Public Education Award to recognize outstanding contributions by individuals or institutions in the sharing of archaeological knowledge with the public. SAA gives this award, . This program tells about the Hohokam archaeological culture that flourished in the valleys of the Salt, artifacts, architecture, and other material culture items to identify Hohokam archaeological sites

SEAS Online Application Instructions 2024 AY

 Student Excellence in Archaeology Scholarship Online Application (2024 AY) INSTRUCTIONS Online applications can be started and saved before submitting. The deadline for SEAS is January 31, correspond with the goals of the Student Excellence in Archaeology Scholarship? (One page, single, of the project) of your proposed study program (the field school, archaeological project or activity, of the award will be sent to the awardee as a stipend. Applicants are critically evaluated to understand

SAA Bulletin 5-3

and Archaeological Theory'' with James Deetz and T. Cuyler Young offering different per, and the City Council of Toronto, he received the Society's Pub­ lic Service Award in recognition of his fine civic program of archaeological protection and development. At the business meeting on Friday, the Distin­ guished Service Award was given in absentia to William A, Ritchie, former New York, prehistory. The Crabtree Award honoring distin­ guished achievement by amateur archae­ ologists went

SAA Bulletin 18-4_Sept

Bulletin. Award for Excellence in Archaeological Research and Analysis This award recognizes, of the Massachusetts Historical Commission from 1990- 2000. In 1999, she received the SAA's Award for Excellence, Excellence in Research and Analysis Award Committee, Department ofAnthropology, Main 330, University, for 2002 The Fryxell Award is presented in recognition for interdis­ ciplinary excellence, 19th-century cathedral, stands a 9,700 square foot, three-story, modern archaeological museum

SAA Bulletin 16(3) FINAL

of Directors SAA 63rd Annual Business Meeting 1998 SAA Award Recipients Exchanges--Management of Archaeological Resources in Mexico Insights--Changing Career Paths and the Training of Professional, , but this position will remain vacant until the first election, scheduled for fall 1998. The Archaeological, . Another important site, Túcume, which is a 1000 A.D. archaeological complex in Lambayeque province, archaeological sites and other areas of the cultural patrimony, and it is in that sprit which I am sending

86th Annual Meeting (Online - 2021)

technical fields. Award for Excellence in Archaeological Analysis Recipient: Michael B. Collins Michael B. Collins has earned the SAA’s Award for Excellence in Archae- ological Analysis for his, of this award. Award for Excellence in Curation and Collections Management Recipient: Maryland Archaeological, with the SAA’s award. Award for Excellence in Collections-Based Research and Education Recipient: Printing, and Education. Award for Excellence in LatinAmerican and CaribbeanArchaeology Recipient: James B


nominations for its Award for Excellence in Public Education. This award is presented for outstanding, Learned in Developing Archaeological Programs for Middle School Students: A Cautionary Tale During March-April 1994, the Kellogg Middle School Archaeological Society, an Idaho school district- sponsored club, traveled to the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area in Utah to study the archaeological, an archaeological site. As a result of National Park Service and professional educator participation